Join Our Battle Against Medulloblastoma Brain Cancer For Leo's Legacy

Welcome to Leo's Legacy, where we are dedicated to combating Medulloblastoma brain cancer. Although our website is currently under development, we anticipate its full functionality in the near future. In the meantime, we provide a brief overview of our mission and events.

Leo tragically lost his life to a very rare, highly aggressive and rapidly progressing variant of the Medulloblastoma brain tumour at the age of 2 years old, on January 21st 2024.

Our primary objective is to raise awareness and funds for research endevours, with the hope of preventing other families from enduring the heartbreak of losing a young child to this devastating disease, a pain that we and countless others have unfortunately come to know.

Medulloblastoma is a cerebral tumor that typically develops at the posterior aspect of the brain, situated between the cerebrum and brainstem. Prognoses for infants diagnosed with this condition are often bleak.

Leo's tumour, as indicated by biopsy results, was only a terrifying 3 months old and it claimed his vibrant young life within a week of its diagnosis. This website serves as a testament to Leo's story, this is Leo's Legacy.

Our 2 year old son, Leo

Help Us With Leo's Memorial Garden

We are currently raising funds which will be used for Leo's memorial garden, this is to cover the cost of the plot of land and the memorial stone itself.

This means there will be a nice place for us, family, and friends to go spend time and remember the memories that we have had with Leo.

Leo's GoFundMe